Monday, February 10, 2014

The Truth about Ministry

So there's this myth going around. A myth that many people fall prey to believing. The myth that ministry isn't about you. That it's about other people.

But actually, ministry is all about you!

Now before you get the wrong idea, let me explain. I've worked in different ministries throughout my life, so I know this from experience. People start working in a ministry with a certain mindset. If you asked them why they work with that ministry, various answers might sound like, "I want to serve people." I want to help people." "I want to see people changed" "I want to minister to people" and many more that have different words but basically mean the same thing. They have the mindset that they are there to change others. Whether that means teaching little kids about what Jesus did for them, feeding the homeless and seeing hearts changed, or just talking to young moms and seeing them grow closer to Christ even through their trials.

But guess what? Working in ministry isn't so you can change others. It's so God can change you!

That's the beauty of it! I know this from my own life. I started working with the Junior High youth group ready to impact younger girls. But I realized pretty quick that's not what its all about. God doesn't have me working there so I can change them, He has me there so He can change me! And He has! He has shaped me and grown me and stretched me. He has taught me more about how He created this Christian life thing to work. He has taught me how to listen to His voice and obey. He has taught me how to be a tool.

I guess that is what I've come to love about ministries. When I work in a ministry, God teaches me about His world, changes the way I view Him, He teaches me how to be a moldable tool for Him, and through that He uses me to impact others. It's not just this man to man thing: It's God working FOR me, so God can work IN me, so God can work THROUGH me, so God can work FOR others, so God can work IN others, so God can work THROUGH others, and on and on! Isn't that a beautiful cycle?

There's also a relational aspect to it. While I may be going to Junior High Youth Group to talk to and hang out with younger girls, that's not the main point. The relational aspect I'm talking about is the relationship between God and I. There's a depth that is added to that relationship when you get involved with ministries. Why? Well, you have to be humble before God. You have to rely on Him for literally all your guidance. Because you don't know what to do most of the time. You start to ask Him about things. This could be, "God, who do you want me to be talking with right now?" or, "God, give me the words to say to this person" or, "God, show this person that she can find comfort in you." When you work in ministry you realize just how helpless you are to help people where they need it most, but you also realize that you know "this guy" who can fix everything and you start to humbly tap into His resources.

This is why I love ministry! Ministry helps me to grow closer in intimate relationship with God. It helps me to learn to rely on Him for the big and the small things. It gives me a place to authentically live out what He teaches me. It gives me a place to follow His leading. It gives me a place to be used by Him. It gives me a place to see Him using the little things I do to impact others. It gives me a place to say, "Wow! I am not great, but God used that little thing about me to impact someone else and that is so cool to see!" It gives me a place to see what God is doing and jump in! It gives me a place to experience God's power and see His works.

Now, plot twist:
I don't see Junior High Youth Group as my ministry. Nor do I see being on the Worship team, or working in the nursery, or working at Camp Agape as my ministry. I see my whole life as the platform God has given me for my ministry. When I smile at the cashier, when I babysit those kids, when I wash the dishes, when I write that paper. That's all part of my ministry.

So, what's your ministry?