Monday, December 2, 2013

Black Friday, or black hearts?

Okay, let me start by saying I love Black Friday. I confess, I have never actually been out in the middle of the night shopping, mostly because my mother would rather be sleeping at that hour. This year was actually the first year I've actually gone out and shopped on Black Friday, and we left the house at like 2pm. But I loved it nonetheless. I like shopping, what can I say?

With that said, there are some major problems with the event. I mean just the fact that it's practically become a holiday for us is very telling. When stores started doing this, I'm sure they didn't expect the whole of the nation to rush to their doors. They've had to extend the hours further and further every year. Even to the point where several opened their doors on Thursday night this year!

Now I know that Black Friday is mainly for Christmas shopping. But let's put that aside for a minute and ask ourselves: Are we truly thankful if we leave Thanksgiving early to go buy new stuff? Even if it is for Christmas shopping. Should we really be more focused on buying gifts for the relatives, or spending time with the relatives? Cause if you leave their house early to go buy stuff for them, something just isn't right.

And then there's the issue of the mobs and injuries and all that. It's sad. Just sad. I'm sure you would agree. I read this post, (which is a satire, by the way) and it did a wonderful job of pointing out the idiocy of what happens on Black Friday.

One word comes to mind when i read that and see the news stories: GREED.

Just the fact that THIS website needs to exist, makes me want to be sick. Really people?

And I know what you're saying. That's the extreme. That's not me on Black Friday.

I know. That's not you on the OUTSIDE. But what about the INSIDE? Is your heart filled with greed too? Is what you already own enough, or do you need more? Are you standing silently in that line, just wishing you could push these crazy people aside? Is Black Friday about me, me, me?

Or are you really just focused on ways you can serve the people around you? Are you trying to make the store clerk's life a bit happier? Are you trying to help the slow old lady find that item she's looking for? Are you buying these gifts thinking how happy your niece will be rather than that you can buy Starbucks with the money you saved?

When we really look at our hearts, it usually isn't very pretty. But good news! You can change that! You can turn it around and START focusing on serving others. And what you can't change, your Heavenly Father can! Why not start today?

Think of one thing you can do today to start making others a bigger priority in your life! Got your one thing? Okay. Now go and do it!

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