Thursday, January 2, 2014

Just people.

Dear people out there,
There is this impression out there that Christmas break will give you extra time to write blog posts. I am here to tell you that is FALSE. So I hope you all had a good break, and here is a letter concerning you all.

Yes. All of you. Are you 40? This concerns you. Are you 12? This also concerns you. What is it? Well I just want to discuss a certain topic that I've become very passionate about this year.

So right now I want you to close your eyes. Close them and think of people that have impacted your life. Whether that was that teacher in 2nd grade, or the upperclassman that helped you learn more about Romans in college. Think of all those people that shaped who you are.

What was special about them? What did they have in common? That is something I've been working through this year. Because I'm a leader in the Jr. High youth group now, and I'm a upperclassman in our high school youth group. I am in a position to be that person to others. But what does that mean?

I remember my 5th grade Sunday school teacher, Mr. Vale. He was the best! He had such a passion for his faith that made me want to jump on board too! He was the one that inspired me to take my faith as my own.

I remember my junior high youth group leaders, Ashley and Chantal. I looked up to them so much! They were some of my favorite people. I thought they were so old and had this life thing figured out. Now I am their age and a Junior High leader, and man, I do not have life figured out! But it just makes me appreciate them more! Cause they did what they could to impact us, even though they didn't really have anything figured out.

I think of my teacher that taught me various literature classes, Mr. Yeiter. He was instrumental in confirming the passions and strengths that God has giving me and encouraging me to pursue them.

I think of my youth pastor now. He taught me to be intentional. He pushes me out of my comfort zone even when he knows I hate it, because his only goal is to push us closer to Christ.

I can think of about 100 more names of people who have impacted my life. And I wish I could personally thank each one. But the point is, these people did not have a whole bunch in common. They weren't at a certain point in their lives, they weren't doing some magic thing to impact me, they were just people.

So I want to encourage you to be that same kind of person. It doesn't take much to impact someone. It takes you caring aboput the people God has placed in your life. Being intentional about reaching out to them, whether they're younger and need advice, or lonely and need a friend. God has placed people in your life right now that you can impact. Now it's your choice whether you go out and do that.

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