Saturday, June 10, 2017

10 Small Ways to Use Your Summer for Ministry

I don't know about you, but summer makes me feel like I could take on the world. There's just something about the sunny heat and the faint smell of sunscreen, chlorine, and freshly cut grass that speaks to me. Maybe this is because I'm still a student and summer means a break from the norm, but I still think that summer has a special quality about it. Especially for us Northern folks, summer offers a time when we can do things we couldn't do any other time of year.

Despite the specialness of summer, it always seems to go by so fast. September hits and I always wonder where the time went. Summer presents some unique opportunities for ministry that we can't afford to miss. So as this summer season has come upon us once again, these are ten ways we can be intentional to use our summer for ministry:

1. Invest in the children around you.

Summer is an exciting time for kids because they get a break from school. This gives you a great opportunity to invest into their lives in a meaningful way. Pick a few kids or a family that you want to be intentional about investing in this summer. Offer to take the kids to the park or the beach for the afternoon. This would give them a great memory and would give mom and dad a few hours to catch their breath. Another thing you could do is invite a few girls over to dress up and decorate cupcakes, or invite some boys over to go fishing with you. Whatever you do will be fun, but will also be a great way to spend some time with them and build relationships.

2. Invest in the teens around you.

Teens get a break from school in the summer too, but many also work jobs. I know when I was a teen, I always loved when the older people in my life wanted to hang out with me. Offer to take a teen our to ice cream or coffee. It may only be a couple hours out of your day, but it will mean a lot that you cared enough to spend time with them.

3. Invest in the parents around you.

Summer may be a nice break for the children and teens around you, but it is anything but a break for most parents. Many parents scramble to find childcare or set up playdates, because bored children with an entire summer ahead of them does not make a good mix. Offer to watch the kids for a night so mom and dad can go on a date. Or offer to come over and do laundry and cook dinner while mom gets a beach day with the kids. Sometimes just a little sacrifice can make a huge difference and make the summer seem just a little less overwhelming to a parent.

4. Write a note.

 No matter what your summer looks like, it's probably busy. Which means you have a great excuse not to be intentional. But intentionality does not have to be a huge sacrifice of time and energy. Sometimes it's just about being purposeful with your moments. One easy way to be intentional is to set aside a few minutes and write an encouraging note to someone. Let someone know that you appreciate them and are praying for them. Then actually send it! (This is the step I always get sidetracked on.) What a blessing it could be to someone to get mail other than bills that can uplift them on a busy day!

5. Bake a treat!

Sometimes I like to make the joke that food is my love language. And while I do say that in jest most times, there is just something about food that can be so encouraging. Everybody loves food! So bake a treat for someone just to show them they are loved. Do they love chocolate covered almonds? Chocolate almond clusters take only about five minutes and two ingredients to make! Do they love lemon? Lemon bars are a delicious summertime treat to make. What about coffee? Make them some mocha brownie bars! There are even some great gluten free, dairy free, fat free, or sugar free options our there on Pinterest for your friends with special dietary needs. And the best part is that with a few hours of baking, you can bless so many friends around you!

6. Invite your Neighbors over!

Especially when it's cold outside, it can be so hard to connect with the people that live closest to you. But summertime is the best time to break that habit. Invite your neighbors over on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon for a cookout and some lawn games. Don't want to cook out? Set up an ice cream bar where you provide the ice cream and they bring the toppings. Set out some board games and have a great afternoon of connecting with your neighbors and building relationships that would be so easy to overlook.

7. Start a Bible Study or Book club.

Maybe your summer isn't quite as busy as your school year. This might be a great time for you to lead a group of friends through a book of the Bible or a inspiring book by your favorite author. This can be a great way to set some time aside from your summer to be intentional. Talk through the concepts you read and apply them to the everyday circumstances of life. Encourage each other to be intentional and spend time praying for each other. This can also be a great launching point from which more ministry stems.

8. Get plugged in.

There are many times in the summer when we have more opportunities to get more plugged in than other times of the year. Do they need some extra help with your child's summer baseball team? Have you always wanted to help out with the church nursery, but never had time? Do they need more people to help set up or tear down tables on a Sunday? Offer to help. You have time now when you can step in and serve, so don't let it get away from you!

9. Support Missions!

During the summer is when a lot of missions trips are available because so many students are free during the summer months.  This would be a great time for you to get involved with one of these trips. You could research trips around you decide to go on one. Maybe they are going to a different country, or maybe they are just going to a neighboring city, but this is a great opportunity to get involved. If a trip isn't a possibility for you this summer, another way to help out is to support those going on a trip. Offer to write a check to help them meet their goal, or ask how you can be praying for the team. Set up a prayer team so all prayer needs can be covered. Or maybe even offer to give them the proceeds from your garage sale.

10. Be intentional in Prayer.

Prayer is more powerful than we give it credit for sometimes. And in a day and age when so many people comment that they're praying on Facebook, but forget to actually pray, consistent prayer warriors are needed. Set up a prayer wall, where you can stick Post-Its with your prayers on them. Ask your friends and family members to write prayer requests on Post-Its and give them to you to be praying for this summer. This way you can have a whole wall full of prayers for you and for your loved ones. Maybe even look through the news articles online to see what needs other countries may have for you to be praying for. As you constantly pray every day for these things, expect God to answer. Ask God to show His power in mighty ways. And as the prayers get answered, check each Post-It off. Consistently check in with your friends and family about their requests and how you can continue to pray for them throughout the summer. And with a whole summer of consistent praying, who knows what may happen!

There are so many other small ways you can be intentional about ministering to others this summer. But past these suggestions, it's really personalized to you. Are you a parent or a student? Do you live in a big city or a small town? What does your average day look like? Pray for the Lord to reveal specific opportunities you can be intentional about this summer. There is no better time to 'go and make disciples' than the season to go, go, go!

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