Sunday, December 1, 2013


I feel like I could write many many posts on those "duh" moments of the christian walk. Cause to tell you the truth, there are many of them! Humans are stupid. let's face it. Reminds me of this commercial:
When you really take a step back and look, we are all really like children. Some with a little more knowledge than others. Isn't it awesome, then, that God loves us so dearly and cares for us even when everything goes wrong? He doesn't get mad at us for being stupid. He knows that we aren't perfect, and that's okay, because He wants us to just trust in him more because of that.

One stupid thing that us humans can do is believe lies. Lies that we know are lies. Lies that we know aren't true. And yet we still believe them. Why?
It's definitely one of these^ moments!
One of the lies that I realized we all believe is this: God is FOR me....but only to a certain extent.
This can be reworded by the enemy, many different ways to hit hardest. It could be:
God loves me. But not specifically ME.
God loves everyone. But He couldn't love ME after what I've done.
God wants to bless me. Just not as much as He wants to bless Joe over there.
God wants to help me. Just not enough to fix this problem.
And on and on. In the back of our heads we know it isn't really true. But it is just so hard for us to believe that, in a world full of people, God loves ME specifically and is for me---how much?---ALL THE WAY.

So please take heart today. God loves YOU. Take a minute to just let that sink in. Yes, all the way. Don't just let it sink in to "Cubbie" level. (What's the Cubbie motto? "Jesus loves me") Don't just repeat it in defeat. It is true! What's your name? ____________ Well <that person right there. That is the person God loves. With all of his love. Not just some...ALL. And he wants to bless you. He wants to bless YOU richly. And he is for YOU. On your side. So often we forget that, thinking that we need to prove ourselves before God will help us. But no, He's already rooting for us. He's fixing a problem right now that you didn't know needed fixing. And that problem that you've been praying for for years? He's on it. Trust Him. Life doesn't always look like we thought it would. But God's plan is always way more awesome than we could think up.

It's like if you had a Polaroid camera. Remember those things? The ones where you take a picture, and it comes right out. Well imagine you have one of those for your life. You snap a picture of a specific event, excited because you know this will be a great one to add to your wall. The photo comes sliding out of the camera, black. As you wait for it to show up, you're sure you know what it will look like. You just snapped it, remember? But when that picture develops, it looks entirely different than you had planned.

This is what life is like. Stop planning your pictures before they show up. That one picture may look way different than you planned. But that does not mean that God has turned his back on you! No! If you could only see what that picture looks like when added to all the other pictures you've snapped! Oh my, it's breathtaking. It's a masterpeice. A masterpiece created by the ultimate Artist. The one who is FOR you until the end. Hey, if God is for you, then who can be against you!

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