Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Spider and the Bug...another of God's great object lessons

Okay, so I saw a scene today that really made me think. Picture this in your mind.
A spider had built a pretty extensive web in the corner of the room. This spider was small, but was a BIG bully. A box elder bug was just minding it's business this morning, when, ouch! His leg was stuck to something. He turned to look and, oh, no! His leg was caught in the very outer edge of the spider's web. He needed to get out! He pulled and pulled, even to the point where he was almost pulling his leg off. Ouch! This was the point where I took notice and helped the little guy out. I pulled him free, and rid his leg of any extra web tagging along.

Now this may not seem like much of a story to tell, to you, but it really got me thinking. You know, Satan is a lot like a spider. Compared to God, he's pretty insignificant. But he is one heck of a bully! He spins webs for us to get caught in. That could be lies that bombard your mind and that you start to believe. It could be a short temper where you know he's just setting you up for failure. It could be harming yourself, where you know you shouldn't, but you can't stop. It could be an eating disorder that you are caught in. I don't know what that web is for you, but I'm sure you can think of it without much effort.

But here's the thing. That little bug just kept pulling and pulling. He wanted to get unstuck, but by himself, it wasn't possible. He didn't realize that I was right there and I could help him in a moments notice.

We can be so much like that little bug. We think we can get "un-stuck" by ourselves. And we pull and pull, only becoming more worn out. We often don't remember that God's right there. He can help us in a split second. He could even squish that little, I mean, devil, if He wanted to. Why do we try to get "un-stuck" by ourselves when we have such a powerful resource right there beside us the whole time?

Now I don't know what you're going through. And I know that getting "un-stuck" from these real life webs most often take much longer than in that bug's situation. But don't loose hope! You have a very powerful Lord and Savior right beside you. He loves you more than you could imagine and He wants to help you! You are weak but He is strong. And the things you can't do by yourself, He can do for you. Ask Him to help you out. God's got your back!

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