Sunday, January 11, 2015

This one's for the girls....

I'm not a feminist. I do not believe in feminism as it is portrayed in our culture today. But I am angry at the images and expectations that culture has for today's women. Culture says women are sex objects. Culture says that women are something to be used. Culture says women are weak. Culture says women are not good enough. And as a woman in today's culture I am offended. 

I was watching Miss Congeniality and Miss Congeniality 2 this weekend and the end of the movies left me in that all too familiar place of comparing them to my life. Of wondering why my life can't flow smoothly, with all the boring parts cut out and a soundtrack playing in the background. But the movies also left me pondering womanhood. The message of the second movie is basically that women don't need men, and that women don't need to be girly to be a woman.

But I am girly. I like makeup. I like lace, and flowers, and ruffles. I like when guys hold doors open for me or offer to carry something heavy.  I like glitter. I like pink. I like dresses. 

But I also like playing in the mud. I like learning to fix things. I like shooting baskets. I like riding four wheelers. I like shooting guns. 

Well, I was picking out my outfit for church last night and I came across that almost new suit jacket hanging in the back of my closet. I hate wearing that thing. It makes me feel masculine. But in light of the "FBI" movie I had just watched, I decided to give it a go. 

To quote my friend, Sarah, "Isn't it sad that girls feel powerful in a suit, but feminine in a dress?"

I did end up finding the best of both worlds, as seen in the picture below, but I want you to take away the deeper message of this life lesson. You can be both. You can embrace your "and".

Watch this video below. Most women's campaigns started as marketing schemes I scoff at. But this one I think is very biblical. There are so many labels put on us as women, but God created us to be multi-faceted beings. You are human. You and complex. And that is beautiful. Embrace it!

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