Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Chapter Three: Just In Time

Chapter Three: Just in Time
Did you know that God knows more than you do? I knew that too. But sometimes it's easy to forget until He shows you. Well He definitely showed me, and this is how it happened.

Since God had provided the thousand dollars for me to pay for school with, I had been so happy and excited about His never ending faithfulness. As I made my checklist of things to do before school started, I was so encouraged. I knew that God has clearly called me to Moody Bible Institute, and I was slowly making progress in checking things off my list so I could go. One of the things on that list was to sign up for the payment plan. I knew I didn't have enough money to pay for the entire semester all at once.

So one night I sat down and opened the website. I filled in the sheet for the payment program with my name, address, birthday, and class details, and submitted it to the appropriate department. I then found out some information I had not known before. The first payment was due on July 1st. Which was only a few days away. At first I freaked out.

"I didn't know I had to pay so soon. Oh no! Will the check get there in time? Will I have to pay late fees?"

But then as I thought about it more, I became more in awe of God. The amount I had to pay was just over a thousand dollars. Around the same amount God had just provided for me. This was pretty amazing to me. But that wasn't the only thing that was amazing.

In my particular checking account at the bank, I have to keep at least $500 in the account to avoid paying any extra fees. As I wrote out the check, addressed the envelope, and balanced my checkbook, I was amazed to realize something else. I had originally thought that God had provided that thousand dollars way ahead of time. I wondered why God would do that, because it seemed unlike Him. But little did I know that it wasn't very far ahead of time at all.

What actually happened was that God knew something I didn't and provided for it just in time. If I did not receive that thousand dollars in the time that I did, I would have gone under the limit in my checking account and would've had to pay a bunch of fees that I couldn't afford.

Once again I was in awe of God. I was reminded that He is so faithful and SO good. Sometimes we don't even know we need His provision and He still provides. Sometimes He gives us things we didn't even know to ask for. He is always watching out for us and caring for us, whether averting a crisis from happening in our lives, or whether providing just the right thing at just the right time.

We so often worry about the "what if's", but do we realize how many "what if's" God has already prevented from happening in our day? How much more would we trust our Lord if we realized how faithful He is in caring for His children.

He doesn't just care about the big things, dear Christian. He cares about the small things to...like a checkbook balance. What are you worried about today? What makes you anxious? Ask the Lord to show you His faithful provision for you, and you may just find your eyes widening in awe of your heavenly Daddy!

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